EEAST named Menopause Friendly Employer

Menopause Friendly Employer certificate

EEAST has been awarded Menopause Friendly Employer status by Henpecked through our work with the Herts and west Essex ICS.    

Henpecked is an accredited provider that ensures that organisations look after those going through the menopause in a way that is compassionate and meets the needs of the individuals and their health and safety.

Tanya Dewsnap-van der Merwe, EEAST’s Head of Talent Management and Succession Planning, said: ‘This is a huge milestone for the Trust given that around 50% of our colleagues are female and the other 50% will work, live or know women in their own lives who are going through the menopause.

‘The impact of the menopause on a woman’s life cannot be underestimated, and as an employer we need to be making sure that we are supporting our colleagues through the process. I hope that this award demonstrates that we are committed to making EEAST a menopause friendly workplace and that it is a place where we can talk about the menopause openly and honestly, without fear of any recrimination or judgement.’

Within EEAST, Tracey Rogers and Samm Dodge are our menopause advocates and will shortly be providing details on future menopause awareness and support sessions.

If you would like to download a Menopause Friendly Employer email signature you can do so here.  

Published 21st December 2022