Emergency Services Day

Emergency services day logo

Emergency Services Day, or 999 Day, is held on the 9th September and is a chance to highlight the incredible work carried out by the emergency services.

In its 4th year, Emergency Services Day seeks to recognise the 2 million people who work and volunteer for the emergency services across the UK.

Emergency Services Day also reminds everyone to reflect and remember more than 7,500 members of UK emergency services who have been killed in the line of duty in the last 200 years. 

Today is also about celebrating your achievements. Please visit our EEAST social media accounts to hear some of the amazing stories that have taken place. Please do get involved. 

Most importantly, thank you for everything that you do, today and every day, working tirelessly to keep people safe.

Published 9th September 2021

This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/emergency-services-day-2.htm?pr=