Final push for Pulse survey

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The latest National Quarterly Pulse survey is open until Sunday 31st July. We have received over 900 responses, but we would like to push the number to 1,500 which will give us a much clearer picture of those areas where support is needed most.

The information you provide is used to shape our future plans. It gives us an indication of what’s working and where we need to be focusing our improvement efforts, so although taking part is not mandatory we would like as many of you as possible to respond please.

The survey is completely anonymous, you cannot be identified from your responses or the way you submit the survey. The National Quarterly Pulse Survey does not ask for any personal information although we do ask for some demographic information, for example ethnic origin, age or job type. We do this to explore the results for different populations within the NHS.

It is easy to complete and should take you around ten minutes. The survey can be done during your regular working hours. You can find it here.

Thank you.


Published 27th July 2022