Guidance for working with helicopters

Anglia One helicopter in flight

As we head into the final summer months, we would like to remind staff on the guidance available for working alongside helicopters.

The guidance is intended for all front-line staff, be it EEAST staff and volunteers or our private ambulance service colleagues, who may need to work in close proximity to helicopters during the course of their work.

Staff must adhere to the instructions of the helicopter crew at all times when working in the vicinity of these vehicles. Helicopters present numerous hazards which you must be aware of in order to assess the risks on scene and ensure the heath and safety of yourselves, your colleagues and your patients.

You can view the guidance in full here. The document include clear instructions and helpful diagrams to aid you in your working, but if you do have any questions or concerns please do raise these with your local management teams.

Published 1st August 2022