HWE ePCR events & Barnet General Hospital

Does your default role need changing on Siren? How about finding out how to request a call sign that isn’t on the list?

If you’ve found yourself up at Bedford or Luton hospitals last week, or the Herts and West Essex hospitals earlier this week, you may have spotted some of the team.

They will be visiting all hospitals and Hub stations across the Trust right through to the end of May, to share some of the top tips and answer the frequently asked questions for the iPads.

EPCR Engagement and Training Lead Michele Kelly listened  to product improvement suggestions from staff, including Brian Walshe (pictured) outside A&E at Princess Alexandra Hospital. Further contributions have been made by colleagues at Stevenage and Watford, so these can all be fed back to the developers.

If you didn’t see us this week, we’ll be back at Hemel hub and outside A&E Watford Hospital on the 19th of April. The full event schedule can be found here.

Other positive news for clinicians in HWE is that Barnet General Hospital is now enabled (and now gone live) with Siren Notification Board and are accepting ePCRs from EEAST crews.

We always welcome any feedback, so if you do see us out and about, be sure to come and say hello!

Practices for working safely with COVID-19 remain in place, including all PPE requirements. Please be sure to wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene and socially distance wherever possible. More information is available on the COVID homepage. If you need more information on the events, drop us a message at epcrtraining@eastamb.nhs.uk

Published 14th April 2022