Invitation to Microsoft Teams masterclass

Microsoft has set up a bespoke training session for anyone interested in finding out how to make the most out of Teams at 15:30 on Wednesday 11 May 2022

Microsoft has kindly set up a bespoke training session for EEAST staff who are interested in finding out how to make the most out of Teams.

The one-hour training and demonstration session will take place as a Teams live event at 15:30 on Wednesday 11 May 2022.

The training will start from setting up a Teams call and using the meeting controls, such as individual meeting access and the ability to present.

More advance options within Teams will then be explored, such as the attendee report, recordings, live question and answer sessions and the whiteboard facility.

Microsoft have agreed to take questions at the end of the event should colleagues have any specific examples of the areas covered.

Click here to join the meeting

Tuesday 03 May 2022

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