Keep Covid-19 out

Keep Covid out

Protecting you and the patients we serve is as important now as at any stage of the pandemic. Staff should continue to use relevant PPE, including masks, test regularly and practice social distancing and good hand hygiene.  

You can find out more about testing here. 

As well as keeping you and your family safe, following these measures will also help us provide the care our patients rely on by reducing the number of staff absent with a confirmed case or quarantining. This is especially important if we are to safely manage the rise in demand we have experienced in the past few weeks. 

It is vital that staff speak to their managers before returning to workspaces, as full risk assessments and covid secure measures will still be required and in place before anyone returns. 

We will of course continue to review our guidelines and respond to national guidance. As ever, thank you for your ongoing support and resilience. If you have any further queries, please speak to your manager or read our latest guidance which is available here

We know it has been an incredibly busy few weeks. If you, or a member of your team, are feeling overwhelmed it is important to seek help and support. Visit our Wellbeing page here

Published 4th August 2021

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