Learning Circle: Managing absence within the Trust

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The latest of our informal ‘Learning Circle’ discussions for managers takes place this Thursday (8th December) and will focus on ‘Complex Absence Management.’

The original event had to be postponed so the Learning Circle has been rescheduled for this Thursday, 8th December, from 10:30am till 12:30pm. 

An effective leader managing sickness absence can see the welfare of their employees is vital to the success of the team. Developing a supportive environment, through the process of sickness absence can generate benefits for everyone working within the Trust, including improving productivity, boosting morale, increasing staff retention and improving safety by having the right number of skilled and trained staff on duty . 

When sickness absence isn’t managed appropriately it can lead to issues, such as discrimination/harassment claims, unfair/constructive dismissal claims and whistle blowing or personal injury claims.

Managing absence through return-to-work meetings means managers can identify and tackle underlying issues such as workload demands, working conditions, work-life balance issues, or where training or career development opportunities can be highlighted.n certain cases, sickness absence management needs to take into consideration the application of reasonable adjustments when required and the procedures around temporary and permanent redeployment if necessary for the individual.

Management of sickness absence must be carried out on a case-by-case basis, with advice from OH when required. Within EEAST we ensure management of sickness absence is not punitive but supportive and individualised, by using agreed action plans.

As managers you have the discretion to make decisions about your staff, based on what is most appropriate for the individual but you need to have the tools to carry out the day-to-day management of sickness. The sickness hub on EAST 24 is a one-stop-shop for all managers and staff to access information and toolkits related to sickness management.

How does Learning Circles work?
‘Learning Circles,’ was launched at the beginning of June. It is a series of informal discussion groups being carried out remotely over MS Teams, giving managers the opportunity to talk about a variety of topics. The sessions are aimed at providing managers at all levels of experience with some practical ways to tackle issues they may face as a leader.

They are a ‘safe zone’ for open conversation where managers can share experiences and gather different perspectives from colleagues on how to approach similar situations in future.

Who can attend?
Any leader with line manager responsibility is welcome. Half of the available slots will be reserved for operational and AOC managers; the other half will be for corporate and support service managers. Each session will be for ten people. Specialists from the senior leadership, HR and staff side will be on hand to assist with facilitating the discussions. 

How do I sign up?

You can sign up to the course via the following link Absence Management: Absence Management (eastamb.nhs.uk)

Published 5th December 2022