Learning Circle Support

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Being a good manager is not always easy, we often face unexpected challenges, conflicting demands on our time and often it can feel a bit like being thrown in at the deep end. 

Following a recent project involving our service managers, there was a lot of positive feedback that one of the most helpful elements was an informal drop-in session for managers to ask questions, share experiences and learn together.

As a result, we are launching ‘Learning Circles,’ a series of informal discussion groups to be carried out remotely over MS Teams during the coming weeks, giving managers the opportunity to talk about a variety of topics. The sessions will be aimed at providing managers at all levels of experience with some practical ways to tackle issues they may face as a leader.

The idea is that each ‘Learning Circle’ will provide a ‘safe zone’ for open conversation. Managers can share experiences and gather different perspectives from colleagues on how to approach similar situations in future.

Who can attend?
Any leader with line manager responsibility is welcome. Half of the available slots will be reserved for operational and AOC managers, the other half will be for corporate and support service managers. Each session will be for ten people. Specialists from the senior leadership, HR and staff side will be on hand to assist with facilitating the discussions. 

When do they start?
Our first session is planned for the 13th June between 1.00pm and 3.00pm. More details will follow in the next few days on NTK, including how to register to attend and the subjects that will be covered.

Published 25th May 2022

This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/learning-circle-support.htm?pr=