Level 3 safeguarding training on Evolve

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We have some really exciting Level 3 safeguarding training being facilitated by Zoe Lodrick who is a psychologist specialising on sexual offenders, on the subjects of Trauma informed care and the psychology of offender management. Both are at level 3 for safeguarding. Booking is via evolve here.

Session 1: Psychology of the offender
• the process that precedes offending (Finklehor’s ‘Preconditions Model’);
• the ‘socially skilled’ sex offender;
• how, and why, they target certain victims;
• what the psychology of the offender does to the psychology of the victim;
• the distorted thinking of sex offenders as reflected in society;
• the importance of understanding sex offenders in order to safeguard people from them, recognise them, interview and prosecute them

Session 2: Vicarious & Secondary trauma: ensuring care for the carer.

Psychological Trauma:
• The different categories of psychological trauma will be explained;
• Police work (and/or that of other professions’ as relevant) will be explored in the light
of what is defined as “traumatic” and the high risk nature of certain careers to
developing PTSD will be highlighted.

The neurobiology of threat:
• Brain science will be used to explain how, and why, working with traumatised people
and/or those exposed to trauma in the course of their work can, and will, impact us;
• The potential impact (symptoms) will be highlighted and explored.
• Taking better care of ourselves, and our colleagues:
• what can we do to better support ourselves to stay healthy will be explored;
• how we may recognise that our colleagues are being impacted, and how we may better support them to stay healthier, will also be addressed.

Published 14 August 2021