Lister Hospital - Children's ED Move

Please be aware that due to essential improvement works at the Lister Hospital in Stevenage, the children’s emergency department will be moving tomorrow morning at 04:00.

From 04:00 on the 7th of September 2021, all arrivals (ambulance and self-presenters) with a paediatric patient (under 16 years) must proceed to Gate 2 (this was previously the ambulance offload area for AMU). Designated ambulance spaces as well as drop off spaces have been created outside. The red/yellow ED triage will be completed here on arrival, please see the streaming nurse.

This will remain the children’s emergency department until improvement works are completed over the next few months and the new and improved department is ready to open.

Between the hours of 03:00 and 06:00 a divert has been agreed by neighbouring trusts for all paediatric patients (excluding those that are time critical). Details of this divert will be advised to crews on duty over the night shift.

If you have any queries or questions regarding this move then please feel free to contact James will be available throughout the duration on 07999048637 or viaAOC. Or you can reach out to our Duty HALO who can be reached in their commissioned hours between 10:00 and 22:00 on 07584642157 or ISSI 3556.

Below is a map of Lister Hospital showing the gate locations from Coreys Mill Lane, each gate is clearly marked by a sign visible from the road.


Published 07 September 2021

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