Looking out for each other

EEAST Wellbeing Support

We can all be affected by difficult shifts, incidents, or calls and sometimes it can feel overwhelming.

Here at EEAST, we have trained colleagues who can offer support in a safe and confidential manner. Trauma Risk Management ( TRiM ) is a peer led conversation, facilitated by colleagues who are trained in the process, that can identify any help or support that you may benefit from.

TRiM is all about keeping everyone safe at work, and as well as the conversation our facilitators can signpost to additional help as required.

You can make a self-referral via EAST24 or via your LOMs or team leaders.

We need to look after each other so it’s about all of us ‘watchful waiting’ and ‘active listening’ for any signs of a change in behaviour and/or mood with our colleagues or in our Teams.

Please use us if you need us.

TRiM, Health & Wellbeing Team.

Published 24th May 2023

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