Mid-South Essex PTS contract

Norwich PTS vehicles

The Trust regrets to announce that our contract to provide non-emergency patient transport services in south Essex will end on 31 March 2022.

This comes after the bid we made to commissioners to run a new service covering the whole of mid and south Essex was unsuccessful. The contract has been awarded to Thames Ambulance Service Ltd (TASL), which currently provides the service in mid Essex, with EEAST’s bid placed second.

We are disappointed by this news as we are incredibly proud of our patient transport service and the excellent care which PTS colleagues provide to our patients every day. Identified staff affected by this change will be given the opportunity to TUPE transfer to TASL with their terms and conditions protected. We will explore all other avenues for staff who may wish to stay with EEAST. We appreciate that this will be an unsettling time for them and are doing everything we can to ensure that they receive any support which they may need.

We will be working closely with TASL over the coming months to make sure our PTS colleagues can transfer smoothly and are setting up briefings to keep them fully informed and give them the chance to ask questions.

Finally, we would like to ask you to please be sensitive to the impact of this news on those affected by the change. If you have any questions, please contact your line manager in the first instance.

Published 28th September 2021

This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/mid-south-essex-pts-contract.htm?pr=