New CPD eLearning Available on Evolve

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There are three new short, interactive, and informative eLearning courses have been added to Evolve, these are courses that will improve your knowledge, confidence, and skills within your role at EEAST.

These courses have been created by our Subject Matter Experts for EEAST staff to refresh and develop their knowledge and skills and provide practical tips and tricks for emergencies.

These new courses are listed below, please keep reading for further information on the course content and links to access the courses.

Paediatrics and Child Health Updates

This course is designed to provide paediatric professionals with the most recent updates in paediatric assessment. This course is fully interactive with quick quizzes, information on communication techniques, information on the Paediatric Assessment Triangle, examples of techniques used in the assessment of paediatric patients and much more!


To access and refresh your knowledge on Paediatric and Child Health Assessment please click the link below:

Course: Paediatric and Child Health Assessment Updates (


  1. Describe the techniques used in the assessment of paediatric patients
  2. Recognise serious illness and red flags in infants and children
  3. Outline the clinical guidelines for the use of antipyretic
  4. Specify the approach to the croup treatments available at EEAST


Maternity Updates

This course is designed to provide maternity service professionals with the most recent updates in

maternity care and guidance. This short and informative eLearning will provide you with Maternity Updates to help you within your role at EEAST including topics on neonate temperature, ethnic focus, extremely pre-term guidance, cuddle pockets and reminders and information – including tips and tricks for emergencies.


To access and refresh your knowledge on Maternity Updates please click the link below:

Course: Maternity Updates (


  1. Outline the contemporary approaches to maternity care
  2. Identify clinical best practice and guideline updates
  3. Recognise pharmacological interventions in postpartum haemorrhage
  4. Describe recent judicial reviews of maternity care


Decision Making for Cardiac Care

This informative and interactive course covers decision making in cardiac care based on the data gathered. For people having a STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction), we have seen an increase in on-scene times, the number of ECGs being recorded and faxed, and staff calling PPCCI for a discussion around who should and should not be referred. This module looks at what ACS is, and the Trust commissioned pathway that we follow.


To access and refresh your knowledge on Decision Making for Cardiac Care please click the link below:

Course: Decision Making for Cardiac Care (


  1. Identify signs of acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
  2. Recognise abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) indications for ACS
  3. Outline the NICE guidelines on managing patients with chest pain and suspected ACS
  4. Describe the clinical threshold for hospital admissions for ACS patients

 Published 19th November 2022

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