New Learning Circle: Pre-ARM review

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The next session of our informal ‘Leadership Learning Circle’ discussions for managers will take place on Tuesday 4th April and will focus on ‘Building Confidence for Leaders through the  Pre Action Review Meetings ( PRE-ARMs and Suspension Procedures.’ 

The virtual event will be held on Tuesday 4th April at 14:00pm till 16:00pm through MS Teams and will focus on supporting leaders in understanding the employee relations PRE-ARM process and suspension procedure. The learning will focus on the challenges leaders face in identifying a case that will need to take a formal ER approach.This session will be presented by the Senior Leaders of the Employee Relations Team.

The session will provide a presentation around when a PRE-ARM is required and what information should be presented at a PRE-ARM.  There will also be guidance on how, as a leader, a suspension should be enacted, and what happens after suspension.

There will then be discussion around the challenges leaders face with Pre-ARMs and suspension, which will also give leaders the scope to discuss how they identify what requires a formal approach, and what the formal processes are.

How does Leadership Learning Circles work?
‘Leadership Learning Circles,’ was launched last year. It is a series of informal discussion groups being carried out remotely over MS Teams, giving managers the opportunity to talk about a variety of topics. The sessions are aimed at providing managers at all levels of experience with some practical ways to tackle issues they may face as a leader.

They are a ‘safe zone’ for open conversation where managers can share experiences and gather different perspectives from colleagues on how to approach similar situations in future.

Who can attend?
Any leader with line manager responsibility is welcome. Half of the available slots will be reserved for operational and AOC managers; the other half will be for corporate and support service managers. Each session will be for ten people. Specialists from the senior leadership, HR and staff side will be on hand to assist with facilitating the discussions.  

How do I sign up?

You can sign up to the course by clicking on the Course: Building Confidence in Leaders through ER Case Pre-ARM's and Suspension Procedure (

Published 29th March 2023