New motor accident reporting procedure

A simpler, more efficient process for reporting a motor accident in a trust vehicle has been put in place

We are pleased to announce that EEAST has developed with our insurers, QBE, a simpler, more efficient process for reporting a motor accident in a trust vehicle and a supporting Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

As of 9th August 2021, all motor accidents in any EEAST vehicle – including lease and hire vehicles – are to be reported immediately and directly to EEAST’s motor insurers QBE, from the scene (or within 24 hours if this is not possible) by telephone on:

0808 100 8181

A dedicated team will take down all details of the accident, log the claim and notify the Fleet department of the incident.

This will:

  1. Reduce the delay in reporting incidents and,
  2. Will remove the need for an accident form to be completed.
  3. Reduce the need to DATIX the incident.

Click here to view the new Standard Operational Procedure (SOPFL19) for Reporting Vehicle Accidents.

A DATIX will only need to be completed in the event of an incident involving an injury or near miss injury.

Please note:
  • A reportable accident does not have to include an impact. If any injury is caused to any person in a moving vehicle due to the action of the vehicle (for example during an emergency stop), this must be reported as an accident to the above telephone number, and by DATIX.
  • Any incident that involves an injury to any person or a reportable animal (i.e. Livestock or Dog) or where details cannot be exchanged with the third party, must be reported to the Police by THE DRIVER within 24 hours.


Published 4th August 2021

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