NHS financial wellbeing support


Many people  have growing concerns around their financial stability and how their financial situation may change in the future. NHS England has put together a toolkit of financial support information for staff across the country and you can find all the details below.

The MoneyHelper Service

NHS England is working with the MoneyHelper Service (formerly Money Advice Service or Money and Pensions Service), an organisation dedicated to improving peoples financial wellbeing across the UK, to provide you with free, independent support. The following top tools and resources have been shared based on the type of calls they have received to their support lines. 

You can call the free and impartial money advice telephone support line (Typetalk 18001 0800 915 4622 – available nationally), or contact them via their WhatsApp or webchat service:

NHS telephone support line
0800 448 0826
NHS people can call this support line, provided by the MoneyHelper Service, for free and impartial money guidance.
Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.

Add +44 7701 342 744 to your WhatsApp to send the MoneyHelper Service’s national support team a message for help with sorting out debts, credit questions and pensions guidance.

Chat to one of the MoneyHelper Service team via their online portal.

More top tools and resources from the MoneyHelper Service

Budget Planner Tool: This free Budget Planner puts you in control of your household spending and analyses your results to help you take control of your money. It’s already helped hundreds of thousands of people.

Couch to Financial Fitness: Would you like to feel more in control of your finances?  Try their free and flexible ten-week plan to help you build your confidence in managing your money.  Develop core saving muscles, and create better habits for a long-term cash secure future.

Debt Advice Locator Tool: It can be hard to know where to turn if you’re struggling with debt, but with lots of free national and local advice services available across the UK, you can use this tool to find help in a way that’s best for you.

Debt and borrowing: For taking control of debt, getting free debt advice, and how to borrow affordably.

Benefits: Find out what benefits you’re entitled to and learn about Universal Credit.

Budgeting and managing your money: Advice on running a bank account, planning your finances, and cutting costs.

Work and redundancy: Advice on understanding your employment rights, what in-work benefits you might be entitled to and how to handle redundancy.

Family and care: Big money decisions often need to be made when looking after family members and partners, expecting a baby, or dealing with problems like illness, divorce or bereavement. MoneyHelper has easy-to-understand guides to help you.

Help with scams: Advice for spotting, avoiding and recovering from scams.

Other financial wellbeing resources

 Government-supported financial assistance
A range of benefits calculators are available via the Government website: https://www.gov.uk/benefits-calculators

Universal Credit: https://www.gov.uk/universal-credit
Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. It’s paid monthly. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income or out of work.

Employment Support Allowance: https://www.gov.uk/employment-support-allowance
You can apply for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) if you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work (NB. Now payable from day 1 of sickness absence in response to Covid-19). ESA gives you money to help with living costs if you’re unable to work, or support to get back into work if you’re able to. You can apply for ESA if you’re employed, self-employed or unemployed.

Department of Education: https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare
You may be able to get up to 30 hours free childcare (1,140 hours per year, which you can choose how you take) if your child is 3 to 4 years old. Please note current eligibility requirements during COVID-19 period.

National Debtline
Financial coronavirus advice and support: https://www.nationaldebtline.org/EW/factsheets/Pages/coronavirus-advice-and-support/help-and-advice.aspx

 Money and Mental Health Policy Institute
Tools which might be useful in helping you to manage money in the coming weeks and months during Covid-19 pandemic: https://www.moneyandmentalhealth.org/coronavirus-online-spending-tools/

A page full of resources to access guidance and support more generally: https://www.moneyandmentalhealth.org/get-help/

Money Saving Expert page outlining coronavirus financial help and rights: https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/news/2020/03/uk-coronavirus-help-and-your-rights/

Charities and grants

Cavell Nurses Trust
Cavell Nurses Trust is charity that supports UK nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, both working and retired, when they’re suffering personal or financial hardship often due to illness, disability, older age and domestic abuse. One way Cavell Nurses trust provides this support through one-off grants to relieve financial hardship and rapid emergency funding for those at great risk. For more details: www.cavellnursestrust.org

UNISON provides a one-off grant of £250 to help with essential expenses such as food and bills, general living costs, household appliances, urgent repairs, disability equipment and adaptations, utility bills and funeral costs. To be eligible to apply for financial assistance, you must have been a member of UNISON for at least four weeks and up to date with your subscriptions.
For more details click here.

The Care Workers’ Charity
This charity has two grants; Crisis grants – live and in use throughout the year exclusive to health care workers. COVID-19 Emergency Fund grant which covers the following grants related to self-isolation, funeral costs or other unexpected costs. This extends to additional roles such as Cooks/Kitchen Assistants, Housekeepers or Domestic Workers, Maintenance staff, Drivers and Admin staff (Team Leaders/Supervisors and Personal Assistants) For more details:  https://www.thecareworkerscharity.org.uk/covid-19-emergency-fund/

Imperial Charity
Imperial charity holds a Dresden Hardship Grant – A year-round grant for many people, being admitted to hospital or receiving hospital treatment can trigger sudden and serious financial pressures. In light of the fast-changing COVID-19 situation, we have also decided to temporarily expand the criteria of the Dresden Hardship grants and simplify some related processes. You can find more information at: https://www.imperialcharity.org.uk/grants/dresden-hardship-grants

CSiS Charity Fund – Helping Public Service Communities
CSiS Charity Fund is a small, highly focused organisation with the welfare of serving, retired and former civil and public servants. Individuals can apply for assistance/ funding when they are struggling with problems arising from job loss, disabilities, low incomes, caring responsibilities and other factors including stress at work, marital breakup and debtFor more details: http://www.csischarityfund.org/our-aims-and-work.htm

The Ambulance Staff Charity (TASC)
TASC is the leading UK charity providing support to all present and past ambulance staff and their families in time of need, both in the NHS and independent sector. Our services are independent and confidential and include psychological rehabilitation and counselling, including stress and PTSD support; physical rehabilitation; financial grants; debt advice; welfare and other support; and bereavement support. For more details: www.theasc.org.uk

Turn2us helps people in financial need gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and other financial help – online, by phone and face to face through partner organisations. Their web site includes a benefits calculator, a grants search database, information and interactive tools providing a wide range of subjects on welfare benefits, charitable grants and managing money. For more details: www.turn2us.org.uk

Social Workers Benevolent Fund (SWBT)
The small charity offers a one off, limited financial help to social workers – including retired social workers – and their dependents in times of hardship, for example when experiencing sickness, bereavement, family difficulties or sudden catastrophe. For more details: www.swbt.org  

The Charity for Civil Servants
The Charity for Civil Servants (formerly The Civil Service Benevolent Fund) supports all civil servants, past and present, throughout their lives, with whatever problems they may have. For more information: www.foryoubyyou.org.uk

 Other Resources

 Published 3rd October 2022