Non-clinical mask wearing paused

face mask pexels anna shvets 3786153

Following a sustained drop and low numbers of COVID cases across the Trust, the decision has been taken to relax mask wearing requirements in non-clinical areas only.

Masks will continue to be available at station entrances and the option remains to wear one if you would like to. The risk of acquiring COVID at work has not disappeared, but it is now a reduced risk compared to the previous few months. 

This applies to all EEAST premises and non-clinical areas including vehicle cabs. There may be exceptions when local management require you to wear a mask if a particular activity highlights an increased risk, so please do so in these circumstances. Remember, this is a dynamic situation, and this precaution will be implemented as and when necessary. If we begin to see a rise in cases and greater risk to staff, patients and the workforce, then the wearing of masks is likely to be reintroduced. 

Mask wearing is still required as a minimum when attending patients.

If you have concerns about COVID symptoms or believe yourself to be a close contact of a COVID case, please continue to inform your local manager and COVID team.

Published 12th September 2022

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