Overtime incentive for Monday

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After a review by the on-call team, the following incentive has been agreed for staff taking up overtime shifts to support each other and our ability to deliver care to patients.

The incentive is for any staff working pre-agreed overtime on an emergency double staffed ambulance. 

Day Date Minimum of 8 hours
Monday 14/02/22 £200


The additional payment is available to (subject to authorisation): 

  • For staff working shifts of at least 8 hours

To remain eligible for the additional payments:

  • Only the shift specified above would attract the additional payments
  • Shifts must be at least 8 hours in length and pre-agreed with local managers/planners in advance
  • Overtime will be paid at the applicable AFC rate
  • All part time, full time and bank staff are eligible for the additional payments

It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that the Working Time Directive is complied with. Managers will ensure the health and wellbeing of all staff undertaking additional duties and maintain compliance with statutory rest periods.

Pressure on our workforce can also come from abnormally high level of staff sickness, which can impact further on delivering care to patients. To limit this, we offer a wide range of support, from health and wellbeing to constantly updating IPC advice. It is vital that you support your peers, so they can be as fit and well as possible.

Please contact your locality planner to book shifts or speak to your line manager for any further information.

Sincere thanks to all of you for keeping our patients safe.

Sunday 13 February 2022