Patient Safety Podcasts available on Spotify

Fast jets and faster thinking – 55 mins

EEAST General Broadcast | Podcast on Spotify

There are few roles like the emergency services, where you train to deal with the unexpected in challenging environments, but most of those roles are based in the military. None more so than flying a jet fighter into a war zone. Having to think and work under extreme pressure, all while controlling a machine capable of breaking the sound barrier. It's a tall order. Mandy Hickson was the only female pilot on her Front-Line Tornado Squadron, flying multimillion pound fast jets for the Royal Air Force. She has operated in hostile environments, including patrolling the 'No Fly' zone over Iraq. Carrying the latest weaponry, she and her unit were ready to drop ordnance on any target in support of operations. As a trained Human Factors facilitator with the Civil Aviation Authority, Mandy uses her in depth knowledge of aviation, calculated risk taking, decision making under pressure and the critical role of the human in the system to transfer these lessons from the cockpit to the corporate boardroom. Emily Crosby is a Newly Qualified Paramedic in EEAST with a keen interest in crew resource management and the psychological factors of working in a stressful environment. Her interest in these topics makes her perfect to talk with Mandy, to compare and contrast experiences and help show how people fresh in a challenging role can learn from experience.  


Complex systems and safety – 47 mins 

EEAST General Broadcast | Podcast on Spotify

It's important to think about how we are safe on the front line, doing the workday in and day out, but how do our polices, processes and practices across an entire organisation impact the safety of our work? Steven Sharrock is an interdisciplinary humanistic, systems and design practitioner interested in human work from multiple perspectives. He currently specialises as a human factors and safety specialist in air traffic control in Europe but has worked across most safety critical sectors. We talk about how policies can interfere with each other, how hierarchy impacts performance and reflecting on incidents in this fascinating chat. Steven’s blog can be found here Humanistic Systems and he's also on Twitter @StevenShorrock.  


Peak performance under pressure; Dr Stephen Hearns – 66 mins 

EEAST General Broadcast | Podcast on Spotify

We all have to deal with pressure. Sometimes it's minor like "do I go left or right at the roundabout?". Sometimes it's the difference between life and death. But how can we manage and work with that pressure, rather than against it? Dr Stephen Hearns is a critical care doctor and search and rescue specialist in Scotland, who has spent his career understanding what pressure is and how he can try to handle it in stressful times. His new book 'Peak performance under pressure' goes into detail about the tools and techniques we can all use to manage stress when the going gets tough. This week, Jordan and Stephen talk about why pressure is sometimes good for us, how to recognise stress in other and what to do when you're maxed out. Stephen can be found at his website online courses can be found at He's also on Twitter @StephenHearns1  


Clinical Human Factors: Martin Bromiley 77 mins 

EEAST General Broadcast | Podcast on Spotify

The understanding of human factors in clinical settings has grown massively over the last 15 or so years. The idea that adverse events are just 'one of those things' is something healthcare is rapidly moving away from. One of the leading champions in this field is Martin Bromiley. A pilot and instructor, whose wife sadly died during a routine procedure, Martin worked with the NHS Trust to truly understand the root causes of the incident. He then championed patient safety across the country, founding the Clinical Human Factors Group and having a supportive role in the formation of the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch. Jordan Nicholls, Patient Safety Integration Lead, talks to Martin about what safety truly is, how to check yourself in a stressful situation, how to work with people you may not know in high stress situations and what organisations can do to support psychological safety in their Trusts. For more information about CHFG please visit- For resources on human factors during Covid-19 please visit-  


 Thinking like a CCP: Lou Rosson and Chris Neil – 65 mins 

EEAST General Broadcast | Podcast on Spotify

Critical care paramedics bring more than just advanced clinical skills, they also have a huge amount of non-technical tricks can help keep patients and staff safe at scene and make the best choices.


Investigations and making safe decisions: Andy Collen – 61 mins 

EEAST General Broadcast | Podcast on Spotify

This week, patient safety Integration Lead Jordan sits down (over Microsoft Teams) with Andy Collen. Andy is a paramedic who has completed a huge range of roles, including being the meds & prescribing lead for the College of Paramedics, a national investigator for the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch and has written a book about decision making in paramedic practice. Decision Making in Paramedic Practice- 


Moral Injury: Dr Ester Murray – 28 mins 

EEAST General Broadcast | Podcast on Spotify

Dr Esther Murray is a Health Psychologist working at Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry. She has a keen interest in moral injury, the term used when people are witness to shocking or traumatic events that change their outlook on the world. Jordan, EEAST's Patient Safety Integration Lead, sat down with her on the phone to talk about moral injury and how it can impact ambulance crews, as well as what we can all do to help each other. 

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