Quality Account

Quality Account

A Quality Account is a mandatory report about the quality of services an NHS healthcare trust provides and is required to be completed in line with the Health and Social Care Act. Quality reports and accounts are set against the framework of three overlapping key themes, patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience, which can be used to define quality of care. 


Looking at where we were before (yesterday), what we are doing currently (today) and what we plan on doing in the future (tomorrow):



  • Each year, as well as reporting on mandated indicators such as response times, the Trust also sets several local priorities under the three headings of; patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience. 


  • Last year’s priorities included; developing a learning from deaths programme, improving experience of our PTS dialysis patients, implementation of a clinical supervision policy, improving recognition and treatment of sepsis, launch of a clinical strategy, producing a public health strategy in collaboration with Public Health England and the introduction of a learning disability strategy including gaining feedback on these patients and their families experience of using our service. 


  • Unfortunately, due to the Covid pandemic, a number of these priorities were not fully completed. 


  • Priorities not completed within 2020/21 have been rolled over to this year and we are currently monitoring progress and collecting data. 


  • Additional priorities have also been added including an expanded clinical audit programme and ensuring that patients and their families/carers are involved in the design of our new PTS vehicle. 


Details of all priorities can be found within our published Quality Account 


Work will shortly commence on identifying our local priorities for 2022/23. 

This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/quality-account2.htm?pr=