Safety netting: using the non-conveyance checklist

Clinical   kit pic

Ensuring appropriate safety netting for patients that we don’t convey is vital, and an important part of discharging your duty of care. 

To support you in this, and taking learning from serious incidents into account, the Trust produced a non-conveyance checklist. The aim is to provide a guide to support you through the key components and decisions relating to your patient assessment, and help identify any areas that you might need to reconsider or clinically explain (e.g. observations outside normal parameters, considering whether a 12-lead ECG is required etc.). 

The form is available on all vehicles and can also be viewed online on Need to Know. It’s designed to support you in your clinical decision making, not to take away any autonomy in your work, and also provides a safety-net when discharging a patient on scene. 

Remember, there are several options of assistance available to you when you are on scene with a patient with complicated or complex conditions; your clinical manual, the JRCALC guidelines and the clinical advice line. If you are unable to explain a patient’s observations or are unsure of what course of action to take (following your assessment of the patient and taking into account past medical history and the presenting complaint), it is likely that the patient needs further assessment and treatment, and will need to be taken to hospital.

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