Take 5 to Prepare – Joint Emergency Services Interoperable Principles (JESIP)

Take 5 to prepare

The latest edition of Take 5 is now available. In this issue we explore the Joint Emergency Services Interoperable Principles (JESIP)

The UK’s emergency services are admired and respected all around the world for the excellent service they provide. The emergency services all work to keep the UK safe and secure while protecting the public.

To ensure emergency responders are all communicating effectively the JESIP program was developed and rolled out for all emergency responders to complete from the first to arrive at an incident right through to Strategic Commanders.

You can read the latest edition of Take 5 to Prepare here.

Published 1st February 2022

This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/take-5-to-prepare-joint-emergency-services-interoperable-principles-jesip.htm?pr=