The ins and out of virtual crew rooms

NHS computer

Virtual crew rooms are closed EEAST Facebook groups which are only open to members. 

The idea came from two operational managers in our Trust as an additional way of communicating with staff who don’t work in an office, to keep them up to date about local issues, clinical instructions, meetings, training and any information they think is helpful to you and your locality.

It also gives you an opportunity to ask questions or make comments, set dates for meetings, arrange shift swaps or see when your manager is available.

Virtual crew rooms do not replace any existing communication channels (Need to Know, East24, Trust website etc. and official social networking sites), but can be a useful way of keeping in touch with work issues.

Who are they for and how can you join?

Virtual crew rooms are closed groups on Facebook for our patient-facing teams.  They allow members to post messages, ask questions and share information with other staff as needed.

To join a group, simply click on the link below and press the request to join button.  You will need to be logged into Facebook to do this.

Herts virtual crew room

West Herts virtual crew room 

North Beds virtual crew room

South Beds virtual crew room

East Suffolk virtual crew room

North Sector virtual crew room (Norfolk and Suffolk)

West Essex virtual crew room 

Cambridgeshire virtual crew room 

South Sector (Essex)

If you do not have one for your area and would like one; ask your senior locality manager to get in contact with the communications team and we can get this set up.

Published 17th May, 2016

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