The Pride 22 season

Ely Pride 22

Between June and August EEAST attended 6 Pride events across the East of England region, engaging with in excess of 1,800 community members.

The make up of those engaged included the LGBT+ community, our own off duty staff, university student paramedics and young families wanting to look around our fleet and try a bit of CPR, teenagers/young adults considering their future careers and even some of our frequent service users.

The network handed out recruitment information, colouring books, merchandise, emergency/non-emergency service use information and even conveyed a very unwell patient to hospital during the final event in Watford. Staff were able to demonstrate the fantastic new Gazebo, EEAST branded progress flags and table cloth as well as new merchandise and literature.

The Chairs of the LGBT+ Staff Support Network would like to extend their thanks to all those who volunteered their time to represent EEAST in such a fantastic way, and those who also helped with the gazebo, fleet availability and merchandising.

Should you want more information on the network, or would like to join the distribution list, please email For eLearning resources and LGBT+ related education material please visit


Published 22nd September 2022