Thursday 28th July - Leadership message from Hein Schaffer, Executive Director of Strategy, Culture and Education

Hein Scheffer

Your opinion matters

I know it might feel like we’re in ‘survey overload’ at the moment. We have issued quite a few surveys over the last few months, with another two coming online this week and next. Although each one takes a few minutes to complete, they all matter because they are ensuring that the direction of our improvement work is driven by you and the areas you feel need more focus.

We can only be guided by the information we have available to us. So, if you share your thoughts, it’s easier for us to know where there are problems and where changes are required. We will continue to share findings from these surveys with you and you can read more about some of the work that has been undertaken here.


Black and ethnic minority colleagues 

Sadly, recent staff survey results have shown that some of our black or minority ethnic colleagues have much less favourable experiences of working within the Trust. This is something that we must put right. We need to understand why this is happening and put measures in place to prevent it in future.

During August, specialist Equality and Diversity consultancy, McKenzies, will begin some confidential consultation with our black and minority ethnic colleagues to help us do this. The consultation process will be three-fold, including an initial anonymous survey, a confidential phone call and then a discussion group. Your involvement will be anonymous, no-one will be able to find out what you have spoken about – unless you choose to share it yourself.

The first survey will go live on Monday 1st August and I would urge you to have your say and share your voice. Hearing from you and learning from your experience is the only way we can change things for the better. We will share the link for the survey on NTK next week as soon as it is live.

Completing the Pulse Survey

The latest National Quarterly Pulse survey is open until 31st July. So far, we have had over 900 responses, but we would really like to increase this figure to at least 1,500 to get a clear idea of those areas where support is needed. The survey is completely anonymous and you can find it here.

Your local Q&As

For the next couple of weeks we’re also trying to gauge opinion around the monthly local Q&A sessions hosted on Teams Live for each locality/directorate.

The Q&A sessions complement the fortnightly all-Trust Q&A briefings hosted by the CEO and COO. The aim of the local briefings is to improve staff communication and engagement at a local level, but we need your help to find out whether they’re fulfilling their purpose, and if not, what we could change to make them more effective. You can share your thoughts with us here.

A reminder that the next local Q&A sessions are taking place this week, on Thursday at 4pm. You will have been emailed a link to join the event on Teams by your locality/directorate.

FFF blog and podcast

A reminder that the latest Fit for the Future blog and podcast are now on NTK. The blog focusses on our partnership working with the new ICSs while you can hear some of the participants from the People Services focus groups speaking about their experiences on the podcast.  They provide a quick and easy way to find out about the progress being made around the Trust – that you can listen to while on the move - so do check them out if you have not yet done so.

Thank you for all that you do.

Hein Scheffer
Director of Strategy, Culture and Education

Published 28th July 2022