UPDATE: AfC overtime payments during annual leave settlement

Pound sign

Thanks to all those who have been in touch following our article last week, announcing that in September pay some staff will receive the 2019/20 and 2020/21 back pay that they are entitled to from the national holiday pay overtime agreement.

As you may expect, we have received a lot of enquiries to our mailbox: OTAnnualLeavePayment@eastamb.nhs.uk. We would like to ask for your patience as we through them all, we are going as quickly as possible.

Please note that although the main bulk of our payments were made in September the volume of work required does mean that a further tranche of staff will be paid in the October payroll.

If you are unsure of the terms of the national agreement, please refer to the AfC overtime payments during annual leave page on EAST24. This sets out both the National Framework agreement and information on how this has been followed by the Trust. 

Should you have any questions after reading the EAST24 page, or think your payment is incorrect please remember to place your assignment number in the subject box of any email correspondence. In addition, please include reference to the agreement terms in question, or where you think there is an error based upon your payslip details. 

Please also remember that new copies of payslips will not be provided to staff, however, staff are able to gain access to previous payslips via my ESR website https://my.esr.nhs.uk/ or via the mobile phone app using Your Employee Self Service Login. If you require access to this  access to this email: ESRSelfservice@eastamb.nhs.uk

Thank you.

The Finance Team

Published 29th September 2021


This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/update-afc-overtime-payments-during-annual-leave-settlement.htm?pr=