Visions and values update

Visions and values pic

Following the consultation with you in February, a focus group has developed the Trust’s vision and values based on the feedback received from 700 members of staff and volunteers.

The group, made up of representatives from every aspect of the organisation including the Board, were tasked with developing the vision and values and a smaller subset of this group met in May to finalise them into the following:

Our vision

Innovative. Responsive. Excellent. Always patient driven. Always community focussed.

Our mission

Our overarching goal is to provide a safe and effective health care service to all of our communities within the east of England.

Our values

1. Teamwork
Together as one, we work with pride and commitment to achieve our vision

2. Quality
We strive to consistently achieve high standards through continuous improvement

3. Respect
We value individuals, including our patients, our staff and our partners in every interaction

4. Honesty
We value a culture that has trust, integrity and transparency at the centre of everything we do

5. Care
We value warmth, empathy and compassion in all our relationships

Following the Board’s endorsement, the focus group will meet again in the next couple of months to develop the rollout of these across the organisation. If you want to get involved, please contact Internal Communications Manager Tara Rose by email

Published 4th June 2015 

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