We Are EEAST - Beds and Luton

NTK Briefing Graphic3

The local manager briefings are a chance for local management teams to update their staff on both key Trust matters as well as any local news. 

You will receive an email from your local management team with details of your next briefing. In the meantime you can catch up on the latest briefing for your area below, or watch other local manager briefings from around the Trust here.

If you are not able to join the live session a recording will be made available afterwards, and you can send any questions you may wish to be answered to your management team via email. 

In the meantime you can catch up on the latest briefing for your area below. 

You can also catch up on any Executive Briefings that you may have missed in our We Are EEAST Briefing Archive.


Previous briefings







This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/we-are-eeast-bedfordshire.htm?pr=