We Are EEAST Briefing - Thursday 19th August 2021


This week's We Are EEAST Executive Briefing and Q&A is led by Marcus Bailey, Chief Operating Officer. 

Q1. There have been a number of hospitals with extended delays lately, with limited options of cohorting for various reasons. When will there be a better process to manage these issues? Will there be opportunities to have 24-hour HALO cover to manage these challenges?

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Q2. Hi please can I ask if there is any update for when ECSWs can progress to either Apprentice Tech or get on the Apprentice Para course. This is something I have been chasing for ages and just keep getting told it will happen but never given any sort of time scale. Many thanks.

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Q3. Does the increase cost of the Make Ready function (with additional management etc) convert to ACTUAL additional ambulances on the road i.e., that a 10-minute saving at crew sign on time for each made ready ambulance cannot be merged together to create an actual additional resource?  Therefore, have we reviewed where we are at with make ready and is it the right modelling?  It still seems to be creating a divide between 'green' and 'blue' sadly with conflicting demands and I would argue, too many 'managers' on one site.

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Q4. I work regular shifts in Norfolk but recently shifts are not being offered even though bank staff are cheap being paid plain time, also we do not get an iPad or compassionate conversation, I feel bank staff are treated second class, especially when I hear that the trust is calling in the army and not using my skills.

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Q5. Great news re: extra TRIM practitioners, where will these spaces be advertised?

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Q6. Do we have any data to show how the end of shift trail has affected late finishes and operational coverage yet? Does it look like it will be rolled our trust-wide?

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Q7. Marcus week in week out you speak on about staff welfare and occupational health etc. I was advised by email, a OH referral was put through on 23rd of July. After speaking to Kay’s OH on Tuesday they advised this wasn’t requested until Friday 13th august by the same said manager. 22 full days later.  Do you think this is acceptable? I don’t, I think it’s disgusting. Mental health of employees should take priority. I don’t believe 22 days is the service helping their employees.

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Q8. Do you have an interim update on the Intelligence Conveyance trial?  Was it a conscious decision to only update staff about the trial via Need to Know and not communicating effectively with key stakeholders across the organisation?

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Q9. What are you doing to help on reducing late finishes?

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Q10. Hi Marcus - interesting to hear about the FFF programme - can you give assurance that all the good work and considerable improvements that have been made will be given the time to embed to make a real difference to our culture and our organisation? Also, will there be engagement with the people who are 'doing the doing?

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Q11. Is there a plan to reduce the amount of travelling on jobs? Travelling over 40 miles out of area to deal with jobs in last few hours of the shift.

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Q12. Flowers payment. When will staff be told they qualify as there has been no update from hr thus far despite the NTK news back in the spring saying there would be?

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Q13. What is the plan for more people to return to their office's? Is there a plan to reduce the estate and encourage more permanent home working?

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Q14. Along with supporting Ops on DSAs during busy periods, can clinicians who don’t normally work in operational areas undertake HALO shifts? On the subject of HALOs, some hospitals have used EMTs, but now we have switched to only Para?

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Q15. Do you believe that workload won’t increase in winter? Are you planning in case workload increases in winter?

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Q16. Has the impact of creating a “Super-hub” on rural response times with the additional DSAs and crews required to provide the same or similar level of service been considered? Are we at risk of creating increased pressure of our own making and putting patient safety at risk?

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Q17. Marcus - can you please mention the wellbeing hubs set up across each STP/ICS - staff can gain info from their line managers.  There is so much support out there for staff in need of some pastoral support.

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Q18. With staff dealing with COVID-19 over the last 18 months and unprecedented pressure on staff with increased calls due to reduced GP and social services, what are the trust doing to help?

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Q19. What additional resources are being put into place to assist HR with clearing the long-standing grievances and will there also be levels of accountability put into place?

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Q20. The trust started these culture for change groups, this seems to have been put on hold due to current demand levels.  I understand we are busy one of these groups was discussing health and wellbeing, but then isn’t this the time when we need to be looking after all of staff at all levels. Will these discussions continue?

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Published 23rd August 2021





This is a printable version of https://ntk.eastamb.nhs.uk/news/we-are-eeast-briefing-thursday-19th-august-2021.htm?pr=