We Are EEAST Briefing - Thursday 22nd December 2022


This week's We Are EEAST Briefing and Executive Q&A was led by our CEO, Tom Abell.


Introduction from Tom

Starts @ 00:10

Ends @ 06:20



Q1 - Electric cars. Can I please have some clarity on where the Trust stands with electric cars? As a Trust I believe we are trying to promote being a clean greener service. I also promote this vision and went green with an electric car.
On occasions I have plugged my car into the stations 3pin plug supply. This obviously gives the car minimal charge, using very little electric supply. Today I've been told by a senior manager that the Trust condones this and unplugged my car. They even went on to say this was classed as theft from the Trust. Does this go for the same as people charging their personal phone and using the Trusts jet wash, to wash their personal cars?
This is the second time this has happened, the first being a recent meeting by the executive team to my station. Where I was radioed by a manager to stand down from the C2 call I was on route to, in order to return to station to unplug my car, as the executive team DO NOT approve of electric cars being plug in on station.
Can I please get some clarity on where the trust stand with supporting staff to go green?

Starts @ 06:22

Ends @ 08:21


Q2 - How can the Trust claim to be making significant improvements to improving employees working life when the Trust still refuses to discuss issues raised by staff, when the ELT refuse to accept and acknowledge grievances and refuse to allow staff to appeal? Following this they change their story and make several attempts to back staff into a corner to sign a new HR2 that they can’t physically afford to sign. Surely this constitutes institutional bullying?

Starts @ 08:24

Ends @ 10:22


Q3 - Thank you for starting the IX 60 trial in Waveney, I hope that it proves successful and can swiftly be extended to all areas of EEAST.

Starts @ 10:24

Ends @ 11:18


Q4 - How much of an increase in COVID-19 sickness has there actually been? Almost every other area of life is now mask free or optional, I believe that masks in cabs and Trust buildings in the context of this lack of masks anywhere else will make no real difference, except be tiresome for staff, especially over the festive period. (I honestly believe that a lot of staff will not fully comply anyway). Government trends on their COVID page shows a lower infection rate than in the summer. Can this at least be reviewed weekly to remove masks and other restrictions as soon as possible?

Starts @ 11:20

Ends @ 12:55 

Additional information from Shaun Watkins, Head of IPC - Highest Covid case numbers in England are in London and East of England currently and rising steeply. High levels of flu and other respiratory viruses currently being recorded in the community and hospitals.
Covid cases have doubled in two weeks within the Trust. Multiple outbreaks occurred recently leading to limited capacity within certain teams.
There are regional expectations for infectious cases to rise into January. Increased contact and transmission are likely over the coming week, inside and outside the workplace due the Christmas celebrations etc.
To protect individuals, the wider workforce and patients, these are appropriate and reasonable actions. This will be reviewed in the latter part of January, when cases are expected to reduce and hopefully we will have collectively limited the impact as much as we can. Understandably this is not always the most welcome change but hopefully understood by all the wider picture as to why we are asking for staff to be more vigilant now.


Q5 - I have been on rest days for the last few days, but my last set of shifts the cohort hub placed at JPUH was shut down. Why? Is this another example of wasted money by the NHS, has it been reopened or is there plans to? Update I have just heard that the private company have lost the contract and the hospital has been expecting the Trust to manage it if we want to cohort patients… so once again it’s down to us…

Starts @ 12:57

Ends @ 14:35 

Additional information from Nick Cason - The JPH are responsible for staffing and have lost the staffing for it. I am working with the JPH to get this addressed. There is unfortunately no immediate solution despite our encouragement.


Q6 - Hi Tom, for two years plus at Chelmsford station we have had the use of two rest rooms, one is for general uses eating, watching TV etc and the other was a quiet room where crews could relax/ sleep. 2-3 weeks ago, the quiet room was taken away and now we have to use the main room full of noise and lights. I feel this is very unfair as now I have to try and rest in the back of my ambulance which is not ideal. We have been told that we can use the old room however this has no comfy chairs as they have been put into the main rest room. As you are no doubt aware we are under extreme pressure and being able to relax for 30 minutes on a night shift is a must. I really hope you are able to support this request? (An email today has also gone out today by another staff member raising this concern).

Starts @ 14:37

Ends @ 15:32

Additional information - There is a welfare room/Quiet room available and meeting rooms are being made available on nights to provide further quiet space. Sandra has emailed all Chelmsford staff with an explanation - hope that is helpful.


Q7 - Good afternoon Tom, I appreciate that this may not be a question that you are able to answer right away, however, there has been somewhat of a vacuum of information around our COO. Whilst Marcus was due to return on a part time basis in October following his time away from the organisation, apart from his email announcing his return, there has been nothing said since and no sign of him. Unfortunately, with vacuums, people fill it with their own ideas and information. With the announcement today of our Chair’s decision to step down in 2023, will there be any announcement on whether Marcus will be returning or not? It is a difficult and important job, which must be made even more difficult for our Director of Nursing, Clinical Quality and Improvement to be doing in addition to her own role. Finally, wishing everyone in EEAST a very Merry Christmas, and a very safe, happy, healthy and prosperous 2023.

Starts @ 15:34

Ends @ 17:08


Q8 - Hi Tom, Merry Xmas, I visited Burnham station this week on a meal break, the external bins have not been emptied for what looks like months. Rubbish is overflowing in the car park, and it looks awful. This is a health risk and surely against our IPC standards.

Starts @ 17:10

Ends @ 17:31


Q9 - Does the Trust look into localities with particularly high staff turnover and try to discover why?

Starts @ 17:32

Ends @ 19:23


Q10 - How long can a patient remain laying on one of our trolleys before pressure areas become a concern?

Starts @ 19:26

Ends  @ 20:22


Q11 - Hi Tom, are you able to explain how private ambulance firms are able to pay considerably more than EEAST? How are you addressing this now that so many staff members are going private?

Starts @ 20:41

Ends @ 22:24


Q12 - Thank you for the thermal mugs, really appreciated and a kind gesture.

Starts @ 22:26

Ends @ 22:45


Q13 - Hi Tom, is it true that we will alter our CAD system to include CAT2 A, B and C?

Starts @ 22:47

Ends @ 24:37


Q14 - In hospitals where cohorting is possible due to queueing inside of the hospital, what is the logic of TOC not authorising it? Surely if you have crews willing to cohort, releasing more crews into the community would be better?

Starts @ 24:39

Ends @ 25:59


Q15 - Can we get pupdates (updates) on how well the EEAST well-being dog is doing and how effective the good boy/girl is on staff?

Starts @ 26:01

Ends @ 26:55


Q16 - Thank you Shaun, however, the delivery of the mask wearing has been very poorly received by staff today and many found the communication very negative. It may have been better received if it had been communicated as a request as, at present, there is already high non-compliance.

Starts @ 26:58

Ends @ 28:12


Q17 - Quite often our local ED has no replacement linen for us to use on the ambulance stretcher. Could we consider stocking our own linen/blankets for when there is none to swap at Hospital? Thank you.

Starts @ 28:29

Ends @ 28:53


Q18 - Hi Tom, is there any news on a scaled down drugs bag for officers with lease cars etc? I currently carry a full drugs pack which is quite wasteful as I have several drugs that I cannot use as I don’t carry a Corpuls and therefore cannot monitor a patient to give some of them. There was talk of a bag similar to that of the Cycle Response Unit being an option, with emergency drugs only, something that would be much better for both space to store the bag, and also reducing the waste of drugs going OOD without being used – because we can’t use them.

Starts @ 28:55

Ends @ 29:42


Q19 - Hi Tom, many staff are highly suspicious that the End of Shift trial is designed to give AOCs more flexibility to allocate calls to staff in the last hour of their shift rather than protect them. By using hospital meal break cohorting, it is removing their current protection tool of getting off home on time. This has already been seen to be the case and we are not even near the end of the first week. Already staff are getting allocated calls and being later off... this has been a major and huge demotivator and has been plainly put in place to ensure AOCs have flexibility and not support road staff.

Starts @ 29:44

Ends @ 31:02


Q20 - So review of mask wearing is to be in January not weekly… “Will be reviewed in the latter part of January, when cases are expected to reduce” from Shaun’s response.

Starts @ 31:04

Ends @ 31:24


Q21 - What has happened to FTSU? Is it now finished?

Starts @ 31:41

Ends @ 32:16 

Additional information - Thank you for question, it is still very active and can be contacted on - FTSU FTSU@eastamb.nhs.uk.


Q22 - Cambs PTS contract is currently on its knees, with the amount of VOR's/staff sickness, there hasn't been a SDM in post for over a year, staff are feeling like the Trust don't want the contract anymore!

Starts @ 32:34

Ends @ 33:54


Q23 - Thinking about staff retention, staff development and reflection, and supporting our PEds, we use to have three Out Of Service (OOS) codes:
- “OOS Clinical debrief”
- “OOS Mentoring debrief”
- “OOS Dealing with staff / student welfare issue”
It appears that they were quietly “deactivated” on CAD in early 2020… is there any scope to reinstate them please? (And have TOC and AOC onboard with them being used and not declined)

Starts @ 33:58

Ends @ 34:28


Q24 - Re rest rooms the welfare room has no comfy chairs. Who wants to sit on a desk chair on our 30 min break? not ideal.

Starts @ 34:30

Ends @ 34:44


Q25 – (Martin Hillier) Can I take the opportunity to use this forum to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy New year.

Starts @ 34:45

Ends @ 34:56


Q26 - Looking forward to further improvements in the New Year, collectively we’ve all got this! Keep going all.

Starts @ 34:59

Ends @ 35:16


Q27 - Hello, would it be possible to use the trust iPad data for Netflix and similar streaming services, as it would be beneficial for both paediatric patients as a distraction and I’ve found with the offload delays to help make the patient comfortable and neurologically active rather than staring at the walls of the ambulance and talking with crew they’ve spent hours with. I’ve personally found it really useful when with paediatric patients - putting on child programmes helps comfort the child and make assessment possible rather than have an upset patient.

Starts @ 35:17

Ends @ 36:23


Q28 - Re rest rooms at Chelmsford. The welfare room has two desk chairs. Tom would you like to rest for 30 mins 8-9 hours mid-way through a night shift on a desk chair? The other "rooms" only have desk chairs. All lazy boys are in the main rest room. Tom, please come on a night shift with me and try and rest there, microwaves, TV, chatting etc. Maybe I should now bring a sleeping bag in and pillow so I can lay on the floor - this is a genuine idea that I am having.

Starts @ 36:27

Ends @ 37:01


Q29 - The University of Bedfordshire electronic student portfolio is clumsy, difficult to navigate and takes a very long time to work through. This has been raised with the University however they appear reluctant to adopt any change. A paper portfolio could be signed and completed quickly without the need to be stood down from duty. It would be in EEASTs interest to challenge these universities to discourage them placing increasing time pressures on Paramedic PEds and Mentors.

Starts @ 37:02

Ends @ 37:43


Q30 – (Benjamin Haselwood) Ref. the UOB question around portfolio, happy to pick that up if the poster wants to reach out to the CPS Team directly.

Starts @ 38:00

Ends @ 38:22 


Additional question - Shaun, what PPE is being recommended for attending patients with respiratory/infectious symptoms over this winter period - there is significant 'IPC fatigue' and some clear guidance, expectations and reminders would be welcomed.

To answer the PPE question there are 2 documents at this link to outline requirements please also refer to the IPC safe practice guidelines for wider guidance.. Other than wearing a mask with all patients the recommendations are standard and transmission-based precautions which is standard practice. Need to Know article.


Close from Tom

Starts @ 38:25

Ends @ 39:25


You can catch up on previous We Are EEAST Briefings on our Archive page. You can also catch up on Local Manager's Briefings here. 

Published 28th December 2022


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