Changes to accessing Charitable Funds


The Charitable Funds Committee has recently implemented changes to make things easier for stations to access charitable funds.

It has become apparent that the existing process to enable stations to access their charitable funds was becoming a barrier for many, due to the need to obtain a 50% consensus of all staff on station, in addition to Gatekeeper authorisation. Therefore, the Charitable Funds Committee have agreed a revised policy to remove the need for the consensus agreement.

Any station request for Charitable Funds, must now be submitted via the locality General Manager as Gatekeeper for the Station fund.

Charitable Funds are accessible for all departments within the Trust, where the use of station funds is not possible, there may be the option to use the charity general fund.

Previously, Charitable Funds have been used to equip and support Community First Responder groups and enhance welfare support and amenities, through training equipment and materials, care packages, station break room equipment and outdoor space furniture.

You can find further information about how to access funds here, or contact

Published 27th April 2022


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