Stress Awareness Month

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April is Stress Awareness month. Here are a few personal changes you can make to help reduce stress:


Stay hydrated – Drinking enough liquid helps to keep the brain from having to struggle against the effects of dehydration, which enables it to think more clearly.

You should drink plenty of fluids such as water, diluted squash and fruit juice to stay hydrated. The key is to drink regularly throughout the day (at least 6-8 mugs).

Keeping a bottle or glass nearby can help provide reminders to drink regularly throughout the day.


Reduce your tech time  - 

Technology makes it easier to stay connected 24/7, but the downside is that it can make it difficult to switch off.

Shutting off from technology for a given period of time can:

  • improve sleep and concentration
  • reduce stress
  • improve happiness
  • help with your mental health

Quick ideas for a digital detox:

No-tech mornings – when your alarm goes off, try not to open your phone for the first hour of the day.

Put your phone down during lunch – taking a mini detox during your lunch break can help you gather your thoughts and focus your energy on getting through the rest of the working day.

Give yourself a screen time allowance – consider giving yourself a maximum time allowance for your device each day to set limits around use.

Dial back with do not disturb – turn on the “do not disturb” feature on your smartphone. This will silence all notifications on your phone, including phone calls, for as long as you have it enabled.

Please always remember that support is available if you're finding it hard to cope with stress.

You can view EEAST’s sources of help here.

Mind also has a number of resources which you can access here.

if you need someone to talk to, you could also contact Samaritanscall: 116 123 or email: 

Published 22nd April 2022

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