Thursday 25th August - Leadership message from Emma De-Carteret, Director of Corporate Affairs and Performance

Emma De Carteret

Have your say for patient safety

We all know the current pressures we are under as an ambulance service that cause real challenges and delays in getting to our patients to deliver the care that they need, and the knock on impact that this has upon our colleagues. The challenges are wide ranging, from hospital delays and activity due to the need for increased staffing, and there have been updates on a number of actions already under way; but there is always more we can try to do.

In recognition of the significant challenges we are facing operationally, it is vital we review our systems and processes to ensure that they support patient and staff safety. As a result, we will be reviewing the ESOPs, Cancellation at Point of Call and Surge processes in the coming weeks. There will be an opportunity for you to provide examples and suggestions of what could be improved to make a difference, through a short questionnaire. A link will be provided in the coming days, so please give us your input.

Calibre Programme enrolment now open

A couple of weeks ago, we announced that we have 20 places available on the new Calibre Talent Development and Leadership Programme, which is aimed at people who identify as neurodiverse or disabled, or who have a long-term physical or mental health condition.

As the Executive Sponsor for our Disability Network, I am delighted to say that enrolment is now officially open for the programme, and you can register via Evolve. The course is entirely funded by NHS England and will take place remotely via Teams from 15th February 2023 to 15th March 2023. You can find more information about the Calibre Programme here.

Transparent facemasks

During the pandemic, facemasks proved to be a real barrier for us when communicating with patients and colleagues who were hearing impaired. Its been an area that frontline staff and colleagues from the Disability Network have been raising as an area to improve, so I am really pleased that from this week, we now have supplies of transparent face masks available within the Trust. Details of how to obtain the masks are available here.

The Disability Support Network needs you

If you’re passionate about promoting equality and inclusion for disabled staff throughout the organisation, then the Disability Support Network would love to hear from you.  

We are currently advertising for a Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretary and would like to hear from anyone interested in the roles as soon as possible. You can find further details and the roles and requirements, along with information on how to apply here.   

Giving you some Headspace

We know from listening to all of our staff that with the pandemic, the challenges we all face on a frequent basis and the wider issues through communities at present that mental health is an area that needs focus.

Headspace, the meditation and mindfulness app, will be available for to all EEAST colleagues to download free of charge from 6th September. It offers unique tools and resources to help reduce stress and anxiety, build resilience, improve energy levels and aid better sleep.

Just a few minutes of meditation each day has been shown to have a positive impact on mental, physical and emotional health. A recent study showed that 30 days of Headspace resulted in an 11% increase in mental resilience, so we are delighted to be able to offer it as another wellbeing support tool for anyone in the trust who feels they may need it.

We will share further details with you on NTK in the coming days about how to access the app.

Behaviours training

Thank you to everyone who has now completed the values and behaviours training on Evolve. We are currently sitting at 75% but we do need everyone to complete the course as it’s really important that we all have a clear understanding of the Trust values and how we can put these into practice – the training is a first critical step to all of us making a difference to our culture. It is a short online programme. Please go on to Evolve and complete the training as soon as possible if you have not yet done so.

New Fit for the Future podcast

This month, myself and Simon Chase, our Deputy Director of Clinical Quality, had the opportunity to record the Fit for the Future podcast. We focused on the Demonstrating Impact workstream and talked through how we are making better use of data to improve our workplace and services across the Trust. Simon shared a great example of how presenting data differently helped improve patient care. You can listen to the episode here. 


Lastly, a gentle reminder to check our social media channels for today’s #ThankYouThursday messages which are a really great reflection of the fantastic service you are continuing to provide throughout the region. One of the messages featured this week is about a call in North Essex, which was attended by a crew from Halstead Ambulance Station.

“I had to call the ambulance for help on two occasions. I would like to thank the crews for all their kindness and help. I can't thank them enough. Would like to say your ambulance service is excellent.”

Once again, thank you for all that you do.

Emma De-Carteret
Director of Corporate Affairs and Performance



25th August 2022

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