Speak Up, Speak Out, Stop It cultural updates

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Cultural Updates


February Cultural Infographic -Our first infographic and video which details what cultural changes have taken place within the Trust.

March Cultural Infographic- What achievements were made in March and next steps. 

April Cultural Infographic - You may be experiencing a range of feelings and emotions but we all must keep talking

May Cultural Infographic - View the changes that have been made in the past year. 

June Cultural Infographic - Our aims and approaches in order to change our culture for good.

July Cultural Infographic - Information on who you can Speak Up to

August Cultural Infographic - 'What is happening to change the culture at EEAST?'

September Harassment poster. Available to download and print here. 

 October Cultural Infographic - Detailing the changes we have made based upon your answers to the bullying and harassment survey last year and the cultural work that followed.

November Cultural Update- 'Don't scroll past offensive images and comments' poster. Available to download and print here. 

December Cultural Update- 'Work Together - Treat everyone the way you wish to be treated' poster. Available to print and download here.


Speak Up, Speak Out, Stop It

We all know bullying and harassment is unacceptable. Even one case is one too many.

That’s why we’re asking everyone at EEAST to be part of our new campaign and Speak Up, Speak Out, Stop It.

Speak Up: If you experience bullying and harassment at work, or are witness to it, please take the time to Speak Up.

Speak Out: There are several ways you can talk to someone about your experience.

  • Your line manager, if appropriate.
  • Contact our Freedom to Speak Up Guardian through the designated, confidential email address FTSU@eastamb.nhs.uk You can also call our guardian on 07562 158013.
  • The OCE email address

Together we can Stop It.